Thursday, February 12, 2009

the love below.

This is no cryptic code.

wtf, indeed.

Do not miss the zigzag double underlined SEXY (to be said dramatically with the upward arched movement of your chin and snake-eyessss.)

enter the dragan

Bullshit, Mr. Han-man

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

left, right?

fucking dyslexia.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


"why would you have a picture of a giant bowl of channa"
"peas, foo'! "

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I tell you this old heart is covered in glue
I can never run back or forget you.

Girls, Nizlopi.


Jump, Skip, Hop, Trip.
The prejudice is dissolving and I'm here. Online. Posting.

My reason is my work.
My excuse is, was, being convinced.

I believe my punctuation is terrible. I think I add them squiggly(s for plural?) as I would narrate the sentence in my head or aloud.

Pause for dramatic effect -
Pause for lack of the word I hope to find...

I'm going to be posting for a few hours to come tonight.
Huzza huzza huzza.

Patrons, don't scowl at this noobie.


How does the heart work?
Send me singing through the woods,
because I'll never know.